What is our Seaweed-Based Fertilizer

Healthy and beautiful flowers need a wide variety of nutrients, not just the basic nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium listed on fertilizer labels. Our seaweed natural seaweed fertilizer has the basic nutrients plus the micronutrients that your plants need to make beautiful flowers and excellent fruits.

Pink Tea Rose flowers grown with seaweed fertilizer made by  Advanced Bio Products

Your satisfaction is guaranteed because we know that you will be happy with the results.

Our natural seaweed fertilizer contains the basic 3 N, 1 P, 10 K plus a full range of important trace elements and amino acids. It also contains plant hormones and enzymes that promote plant growth. That’s why you see beautiful results quickly.

Geraniums produce more flowers per plant; grapes are sweeter; gladiolus corms grow larger; and vegetable yields increase.

Seeds soaked in seaweed extract germinate more rapidly, have larger root mass, stronger plant growth and higher survival rates. Soaking plant roots in seaweed extract reduces transplant shock and speeds root growth.

How to use the Seaweed-based Fertilizer

Our seaweed-based fertilizer is concentrated. Dilute it before use. Mix about 15 mL (3 teaspoons or 1 tablespoon per Litre or about 3 tablespoons per gallon) of water. The diluted fertilizer can also be sprayed onto the leaves. The leaves will absorb the fertilizer. For best results, use it every time you water your plants.

How does our Seaweed Fertilizer help the environment?

 Traditional fertilizers are usually mined and extracted from the ground. These mines usually destroy large areas of countryside. And once all of the salt has been mined, there is no more. It is not renewable. In contrast, our seaweed based fertilizer is harvested from kelp in the pacific ocean. The seaweed continues to grow and is harvested again. This is not only healthier for your plants but is also a renewable fertilizer.