General Plant Care Instructions

The basics

  • The sun as seen through the branches of a pine tree


    All plants need light. But not all plants need direct sunlight. As a general rule, plants with flowers need a window and sunlight to do well. Plants like snake plants and spider plants do well as long they are not in the dark.

    Some plants want direct sunlight and others are happier with indirect light. The best is to read the tag on the plant when you buy so that you can decide where to put it.

    LED light is a good substitute during winter months.

  • Drops of water on a leaf


    Just like with light, all plants need water. But too much water is not good either. The roots can drown if they are submersed in water for a long time. The roots need to breathe. (unless it is a water plant)

    That’s why it is important that the pot has drain holes. Most plants like it when the soil dries between watering. But don’t leave it dry too long. Follow my plant care calendar.

  • Two jugs of Natural Seaweed Fertilizer made by Advanced Bio Products standing in the grass.. One is a 1 L jug and the other is a gallon jug.


    The food is carried into the plant through the roots as the roots absorb water. If the nutrients are not dissolved in the water they will not be available to the plant.

    You need two things for healthy and happy plants. One is food that is already bio-available. And the other are microbes in the soil that help the roots absorb the nutrients from the soil.

    Our Natural Seaweed Fertilizer is an excellent source of the nutrients your plant needs and our Natural Liquid Mulch will provide the microbes.

  • A pair of hands planting a tomato plant in the soil.


    Soil is an important part of successfully growing plants. Not every plant grows well in all types of soil. For example, some plants, like cactus, prefer sandy soil. Others, like snake plants, like light loamy soil that drains well. Still others , like roses, prefer soil rich in organic content. Check out the requirements in our Library by Plant.