one tree at a time and it all starts with you

  • Worldwide about 15 billion trees are harvested every year but only 5 billion are re-planted. That's a net loss of 10 billion trees every year, and a rate that would mean the loss of all the trees in the world within the next 300 years.

  • We want to help. That is why we have set a goal to plant 1 million trees. But we need your help

  • Spread the word! Trees are ready to be planted its all in your hands. For every bottle that is sold on this e-store, we plant one tree sapling here in Ontario.

who are we partnering with?

Forests Ontario!

Forests Ontario is a not-for-profit charity dedicated to realizing the vision of healthy forested landscapes sustaining healthy people and a healthy economy. The organization works with seed collectors, nurseries, and planting partners to ensure that the right trees get planted in the right place. They have facilitated the planting of more than 34 million trees across Ontario, restoring natural links between fragmented landscapes and creating important wildlife habitat.  Learn More!

plant a tree program: where to see our progress


What we would like to see in the next few years


A live scale of how our goal is going