Are you a plant parent

Plant parenting is a growing phenomenon. The term was coined by millennials but applies to all generations. Although it means different things to different people, it simply refers to caring for plants. So, in all likelihood, you too are already plant parenting.

Did you know that growing and caring for indoor plants provides an excellent antidote to being hyperconnected to devices and technology? It is good for your mental health as it is relaxing, soothing, comforting and rewarding. Just imagine the joy in seeing a beautiful flower bloom under your care or eating the fruit of your own hands.

The biggest fear and complaint, according to one recent survey, that prevents many from having houseplants, is that they always die. Well, that happens even to the best gardeners. As a matter of fact, the average household will loose about 7 plants. I know that I have lost more than that. This is where I can help you to grow beautiful, lush, and healthy plants using natural methods and materials. Let us make this journey together.

I have two new features on my website that I hope will help and that you may find interesting. First is a plant care calendar. This calendar will help you care for your plant babies regularly as it gives day by day instructions. These instructions are repeated every day on our twitter account.

Second, a plant library. The library is small for now. I will keep adding descriptions and plant care instructions for different types of plants. It will help you diagnose and cure different plant ailments. Check it and my website out frequently. I hope that you enjoy the experience of being a plant parent.


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