Do You have the same challenge i do?

Flower garden in Montreal featuring geraniums, hibiscus and aloe vera. Garden was fed using Natural Seaweed Fertilizer and Nutritional Leaf Spray made by Advanced Bio Products.

I always enjoy looking at beautiful plants and flowers. In the past however, they were always someone else’s flowers because mine inevitably looked sick and died. It was very discouraging. Buying new plants and all the products the gardener carries got expensive. Plus, many of those products were made from chemicals that aren’t good for the environment.

Do you have the same challenge? Or, have you had that challenge?

Today my plants are healthy and beautiful. And I want to share that success with you because there are more benefits to keeping houseplants than just beautiful flowers.

According to one source, spending a few minutes every day caring for a plant reduces stress because we focus on something alive that brings us pleasure, responds to our efforts by producing flowers or fruits or foliage, and cleans our air.

As I researched the topic, I learnt that a lot of the chemicals used as fertilizers aren’t actually used by the plant but go to waste. They go down the drain and pollute our rivers. For example, Scientific American reported: “The water in brooks, streams and creeks carries a heavy load of pollutants, particularly nitrates from fertilizers. These eventually make their way into rivers, lakes and oceans, fertilizing blooms of algae that deplete oxygen and leave vast ‘dead zones’ in their wake.”

The solution I found to grow beautiful plants without polluting is a natural fertilizer made from seaweed. It is immediately available to the plant, contains no nitrates or other synthetic chemicals, thus reducing our negative impact on the environment.

How do I make sure that you get the best possible fertilizer at the best value?

Seedlings grown in Advanced Bio Products' Liquid Mulch Research Center in Milton, Ontario.

How do I make sure that the Natural Seaweed Fertilizer and the Nutritional Leaf Spray really work?

In my lab, plants are grown with different fertilizers and with different amounts of fertilizers for a specific period of time. The time, temperature, humidity, soil and watering are strictly controlled. At the end of the experiment, the plants are reweighed and how much they grew is determined. In addition, the color and overall appearance of the plant are considered as well.

What am I working on now?

I am working on two separate improvements for the Seaweed Fertilizer and an improvement for the Nutritional Leaf Spray.

  1. Seaweed fortified with banana peel and green tea

    • Seaweed has many micronutrients needed by the plants. Green tea and banana peel add nutrients that the seaweed doesn’t have making the fertilizer even more effective.

    • Visit my website often to see the latest updates and results. You can what is new in the announcement bar at the top of the webpage.

  2. Seaweed for lawns that inhibits broadleaf weeds

    • Finding natural means of inhibiting the growth of broadleaf weeds has not been easy. But I have been testing one formulation for the last 6 months. I hope to be able to introduce it before spring.

  3. Jasmine scented Nutritional Leaf Spray

    • Development is complete and the Jasmine scent is now being tested by selected customers.

    • The Nutritional Leaf Spray is available with Lavender, Rose and now also with Jasmine scents

I look forward to seeing on my site and thank-you for reading my newsletter,



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