welcome to 2023

Here we are at the start of a new year. I hope that you were able to enjoy time relaxing with family and friends these past weeks.

Thank-you because your support last year was a bright light for me during a year where the worldwide situation was bleak.

Like for many, 2022 has been a tumultuous year for with supply chain issues, inflation, the recession and major changes here at Advanced Bio Products, I look forward to a new and simpler start in 2023 and hope to brighten your year with my natural plant care products.

There are many reasons why having a houseplant in your room and office are so important. Some of them are:

  1. A single plant on the corner of our desk or in our room can brighten our mood and remove stress

  2. Caring for a single plant, for a few minutes, can change our mental outlook and help give us a more positive outlook

  3. Seeing a plant grow, perhaps even produce flowers, can give us a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction

  4. Plants clean the air around us

To help start the year off right I will give you a free spider plant with the purchase of the Starter Plant Accessory Set. The set includes a small ceramic pot, ceramic saucer, drainage pebbles, just the right amount of the right type of soil and is only $10. For the month of January I will include a spider plant for free. (Valid for Canadian customers only)

Once again, I look forward to bringing you interesting and informative content this year both through e-mail, on social media and in my website: www.abpstore.ca. Visit it often.

Topics will include care information for specific plants both indoor and outside, website updates, current research projects and what’s happening around the world in sustainability and agriculture.

I hope that you will enjoy it and thank-you for reading my blog.



What is your Favorite plant


Do You have the same challenge i do?