What is your Favorite plant

As I work on expanding the number of plants in my plant care library, a question came to mind; what is your favorite plant?

Did you know that certain plants have been associated with specific personality traits.

They reveal something about the people that like to grow and care for them?

For example, it is said that people that like Aloe Vera care for others and they are conscientious in how they do what they do. While people who love spider plants are care-free and don’t pay much attention to detail. Like the spider plant, they like to be with their friends.

No matter what plant you are attracted to, I would like to help you keep it healthy and beautiful. Please let me know what your favorite plant is so that I can include it in my plant care library. To thank you I’ll send you a gift; a small bottle of Nutritional Leaf Spray.

Happy Customer Experience

Recently, I received a very positive comment from a customer in Brampton, ON. He has been buying my Seaweed Fertilizer for the past two years. He showed me one of his Marlow plants and said that when he got the plant, it looked dead. No leaves, no visible signs of life. He started to care for it by using the seaweed fertilizer and a month later, it is vibrant, healthy looking and beautiful. He continued with the comment that all his house plants are looking healthier and produce more flowers since he started using the seaweed fertilizer.

Every day I give a plant care tip on my website: www.abpstore.ca. Maybe this feature may help you care for your favorite plant.

Thank-you for reading my blog and please browse me website: www.abpstore.ca,



How to use our Nutritional Leaf Spray to Clean, Brighten and Feed your Indoor Plants


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