A Beautiful Weed Free Garden in 3, 2, 1🌼

In a recent tweet one of our followers said, “I just spent 2 hours weeding and afterwards I felt grimy, sweaty, and dirty, ugh!” I know that feeling all too well.

We all enjoy beautiful flowers. Whether that is from a few small plants inside a tiny apartment or a large expanse of flowering plants at a botanical garden. We could all wish for a paradise garden. I used to think that I could never enjoy that at home because I thought that maintaining a beautiful garden is so much hard work. There’s working the soil, weeding, planting, weeding, pruning, weeding, watering, and weeding. That’s right, the weeding never seems to end. Who has the time for all that weeding? I don’t.

The solution I found & founded

That is why I developed Liquid Mulch. From all those tasks, weeding is the least enjoyable. The weeds make the garden look wild and unappealing. Spraying with herbicides usually ends up killing the flowers, not to speak about the insects and birds. Then there’s landscaping fabric. But it’s a real pain to put down and even a greater pain to replace.

Did it Work?

This picture was taken at Landscape Ontario after about 2 months. It shows how effectively Liquid Mulch eliminates weeds. You can see the red Liquid Mulch between the flowers on the left. This frees your time to drink beer or party or simply to enjoy your garden. In addition, The flowers are bigger, fuller and more beautiful. The lack of weeds really lets the flowers become beautiful. You too can get the same results with little effort. Visit my website and find out how.


Results …

This year I used Liquid Mulch on my vegetable garden but didn’t use it in my flower garden. I’ve been spending about ½ hour every weekend weeding my flower garden. And, my vegetable garden? Not once yet this summer.

Today, I cannot live without it. It makes my life so much simpler. It makes gardening so much more enjoyable because I no longer need to spend a lot of time weeding.

We’re going to a tree nursery shortly to treat about 150 trees with Liquid Mulch. I hope to have many pictures and stories to share with you.

Please share your garden stories with me!


New Projects Ahead...?📅


What’s Happening to my Plants?🤷🏼‍♂️