What’s Happening to my Plants?🤷🏼‍♂️

Plants are living, breathing and alive, just like we are. They need to eat, drink and be in the right environment, just like we do. If they eat too much or too little, drink too much or too little, then just like us they get sick and die. This is the question that I get most often. What’s happening to my plants? They don’t look good anymore.

Don’t worry we are here to help! One of the most common problems for potted plants is overwatering. If you have a plant that is constantly wet and where the soil never dries out, then first things first that needs to be fixed. There is no amount of fertilizer or Liquid Mulch that will help. As a matter of fact, the Liquid Mulch probably will make things worse because it helps the plant retain even more water.

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Here are some signs that you are overwatering:

What are signs that you are over watering? Here are some signs that will help you figure it out:

1. Wilted leaves and moist soil

2. Soft limp leaves turning brown around the edges

3. New leaves falling off

4. New leaves turning yellow

5. Rotting stem where the plant touches the soil

6. Fungus on the soil

What should you do? My recommendation is to repot the plant. A leading cause often is that the soil is not draining well. Make sure that the new pot has drain holes and cover these with small stones, pebbles, or broken pottery before filling the pot with soil. Soil can compact and block the drain holes.

Use fresh potting soil. You don’t want to transplant sick, rotting material or fungus to your new pot.

Then water well and let drain completely. Many plants prefer to dry out briefly between watering cycles.

It’s also best to fertilize using our Nutritional Leaf Spray at first. This way the nutrients go straight to the parts of the plant that need them and it gives time for the roots to heal.

Recently we had a customer write us that they applied LM to their potted plants, but the fungus mites didn’t go away. Instead, they got worse. Sadly, this was an expert in growing plants and yet they too fell into the trap of overwatering their plants. We had to explain how to properly water and use our DIY LM for potted plants.

If you still have questions feel free to reach out to me using the Contact Us page on my website: https://www.abpstore.ca/contact-us

Or, e-mail me directly at: store@ampolymers.com. I look forward to hearing from you.


A Beautiful Weed Free Garden in 3, 2, 1🌼
