How to use our seaweed fertilizer on your lawn ๐ŸŒž

We have had so much positive feedback from our customers who use the seaweed in their gardens and on their lawns. My team and I (at least those of us that have lawns) use it regularly. Also, we have received many questions from people about using our natural seaweed-based fertilizer on lawns that I have decided to make a blog post just about that. I hope that you will find this post informative and useful. Actually, more than that, I hope that youโ€™ll try it on your lawn yourself.

The seaweed fertilizer is ideal for grass, helping to make them lush and green. Regular use of the fertilizer will help you attain that professional-looking lawn. It really helps bring out the grassโ€™s full colour. It has also been proven to make the lawn more resistant and healthier than with chemical fertilizers.

There are so many advantages. Here are just some of them:

  •      It cannot burn your grass

  •      It builds the soil making it healthy

  •      It is absorbed through the grass blades, not just the roots, giving quick results

  •      It is natural and not dangerous to pets so you can enjoy your yard right away (you donโ€™t have to wait, although the grass will be wet afterwards)

You will need about 100 mL of seaweed fertilizer per 100 sq meters (about 1000 sq ft) of lawn. The materials you need are our seaweed fertilizer, garden hose and a hose-end sprayer.

Simply follow these steps:

1.       Fill the hose end sprayer with the seaweed fertilizer

2.       Replace the cap on the hose end sprayer and,

3.       Adjust it to feed 3 teaspoons (about 15mL) of seaweed per L of water (about 3 tablespoons per gallon)

4.       Attach the hose to the hose-end sprayer

5.       Fertilize your lawn

My team and I have made a brief 1-minute video that shows all these steps. I encourage you to watch it and please give me your feedback.

How often should you fertilize your lawn? I recommend that you fertilize it 3 to 4 times throughout the summer. More often if your lawn hasnโ€™t been fertilized in a long time and you can fertilize it less frequently if you have already built up a healthy turf. I just bought a new house and the previous owners had not done anything for several years. So, in addition to overseeding and weeding, I am going to be using the seaweed every month. This will ensure that the lawn becomes strong and healthy. Iโ€™ve taken some before pictures and will take some at the end of the season. Hopefully, I can share these with you later on.

Thanks for reading my blogs and let me know your stories :)


