we are here to help 🎆

Hi everyone! Isn’t it true that… whether it is a lonely cactus sitting on the corner of your desk or a veritable tropical forest by the window in your home, plants are living things that need care to thrive? They need regular attention! just like a puppy or kitten haha. Naturally, it is much easier and less time-consuming to care for a plant than an animal. Just like there are pets that need a lot of attention and care and others that are needless, so also there are plants that need more care than others.

Part of what we want to do is help you care for your plants in a way that respects the environment and that makes it easier for you to enjoy your plants. The seaweed fertilizer, nutritional leaf spray and liquid mulch are just some examples of how we can help. We will also be doing the same things as you as we grow our indoor garden. And then, when the time comes, we will put some of those plants outside on the patio or terrace.

Another example of how we can help is the plant care calendar that we’ve created. In it, you will find day-by-day instructions for basic plant care. And to make it even easier, we post regular plant care instructions at the time when they should be done. These include simple things such as how and when to water your plants to more complicated things like germinating seeds or transplanting flowers into larger pots.

Caring for plants is one of the healthiest activities that we can do. It soothes the soul and brings joy to see how plants can grow, make flowers for us to admire. Their colours brighten our lives, and their leaves clean our air. Keeping them well hydrated also helps keep a healthy humidity level in the air.

Follow along with us on Facebook or Twitter or on our website as we go on this exciting and rewarding journey.


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