why and when it’s important🕰️

In the last blog, I introduced our plant care calendar. Today I want to cover something that’s not on the calendar but that is still important. When and Why to apply my DIY Liquid Mulch. It’s not on the calendar because DIY Liquid Mulch is only used when a plant is purchased or repotted. It isn’t applied every week or even every month.

Using my DIY Liquid Mulch brings you and your plant several benefits.

  1. It contains beneficial probiotics for your plants. Often potting soil is sterile, which is good. It makes sure that there are no weeds and no insects, larvae or eggs when you plant your pots. But that also means that the beneficial microbes are missing. The DIY Liquid Mulch helps restore these microbes. The microbes help the plants make the most out of the nutrients in the soil.

  2. It lets you go on vacation without having to worry about watering your plants because it reduces evaporation by about 45%. For example, instead of watering twice a week, you would only to need water once a week. The watering schedule is on the calendar for plants with and without the DIY Liquid Mulch.

  3. It helps keep your house clean because the DIY Liquid Mulch makes a layer over the soil that keeps the dirt in the pot. And finally,

  4. You can use the different colours of DIY Liquid Mulch to create nice displays and accents. Use red, brown, or black to compliment the colour of the pot and the leaves of your plant.

So, when should you apply the DIY Liquid Mulch? The best is to apply it right away when you buy the plant or when you repot it. Then you can enjoy all the benefits that it brings.


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